Rooms and hire rates in Botley

Our building complex in Botley is flexible and the hall, church and chapel are linked buildings. Each room can be hired separately for groups and private events, or booked together to provide a large venue for a big public event, concert space or meeting space in Botley.

The hall is 165m2, with enough height to accommodate a bouncy castle. Large kitchen with range cooker, dishwasher, fridges and crockery. 17 trestle tables and 60 chairs, free wifi. A microphone & amplifer and digital piano available on request.

Residents and small community groups from the Parish of North Hinksey and Botley, £15 per hour incl kitchen

Non residents, larger voluntary organisations and businesses £18 per hour incl kitchen

Party Package (children) £65 for 3 hours incl kitchen

Kitchen hire for teaching or private use £20 per hour hall not included

Popular with martial arts groups, play groups, drama, fitness, children’s parties, public events and the home of the Botley Larder

Community gathering in a hall with people sitting at tables, bunting decorations overhead.
indoor playground with toys and play equipment


The church is a large, light and airy space which can sectioned off to be hired as a smaller space (gallery space), or opened up into a big space suitable for large events.

Popular with workshop based groups, rehearsals, drama and the home of the Botley Arts Exhibition Space and the Botley Community Fridge

Whole church seating capacity 120, flat rate £20 per hour. Other rates apply for extended all day bookings.

Free Wifi, speakers and microphone, organ, baby grand piano, toilets and kitchenette

Interior of a large church hall with rows of wooden chairs, wall art, stained glass windows, and red carpet aisle.
Choir performing in a church with conductor and choir books


A comfortable, carpeted and heated space perfect for smaller groups. In theatre layout the room can seat about 29 people. Digital piano in situ. Access to toilets and a small kitchenette

Chapel seated 20 lecture style flat rate £10.50 per hour

Popular with musicians, committee meetings, drawing classes

Small meeting room with wooden chairs and piano
church interior with altar